Yoga Practices
Clarity, purpose, strength and action. This is what I believe yoga reveals in us all.
Yin/Yang Fusion
The Taoist concepts of Yin and Yang describe two qualities present in everything; from our food and our bodies, to the seasons and the world around us. This class combines dynamic, strengthening poses that build on yang tissues in the body for building strength and opening your awareness to co-create with the divine aspects of your being. The secondary aspect of this class incorporates a series of soothing and grounding poses that turn off the overdrive switch in the mind and body. The end result is a balance between the yin and yang aspects of the mind and body to reach a level of “sattva” or comfort and harmony.
Vinyasa Flow
This yoga style is known for its dynamic, meditative and creative sequences. MJ has a way of weaving mythical wisdom and seasonal inspiration into each pose so the student can explore the subtle stillness within motion, strength within ease and wisdom within action. The mind naturally quiets as the breath is linked with movement inviting a feeling to “let go” and discover what lies within.
Codes of Creation in Movement®
Each week, we practice a smooth flow of a specific sequence of poses, synchronized with our breath and guided by meditative cues, to activate our life force energy, dissolve stress, inspire, and align us physically and mentally, opening us to higher consciousness.
This practice, designed by MJ Kasliner, creator of Codes of Creation in Movement®, helps you discover a deeper understanding of yourself, your connection with the universe, and the endless possibilities that unfold in practice. It helps you achieve your intentions both on and off the mat.
Flexibility and Beyond - Yin Yoga
This class is designed at a slower pace with longer held postures to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system for deep relaxation - a perfect elixir after a long day. You'll move through practices that will increase your range of motion, restoring youthfulness to your body, helping manage stress, and injecting wisdom into your life. Are you ready to join MJ for flexibility and wisdom?