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Codes of Creation Mastermind System

A New Transformation


The first phase of your training begins with the Codes of Creation Mastermind System.

What are the Codes of Creation?

The Universe is constructed by an intelligent design and with specific purposes for its creation. If you look around, you will see that everything is alive and vibrating including the stones and rocks. Everything is continually moving and evolving, so by its very nature, everything that is created must seek a higher expression of life.

The history of the Codes of Creation is as deep and as old as time itself. The history of these Codes is YOU.

In this first phase of your Feng Shui training, you’ll begin to uncover the true source of all things, a great adventure back to the beginning. You’ll begin to recognize that any difficulties you experience, regardless of subject, (health, abundance, life purpose, relationships, etc.) can only exist because of your state of mind – forgetting who you are.

This phase of your training consists of six life-changing modules over 26 weeks. Each module is on a time-release schedule to keep the student on track. There are over 60 videos in this phase of the journey.

At the end of phase 1, you will create the future you want to experience. This is essential as you cannot assist others in creating the life they desire if you can’t create it for yourself!

What's Inside The Codes of Creation System?


Access to my proprietary Codes of Creation Mastermind 6 Point System that turns powerful techniques into habit: track.

Module 1: You Are What You Think – Your Belief System

Module 2: Mothering Intelligence and Your Relationships

Module 3: Gateway to Life Method – Keys to Unlock Your Life Journey

Module 4: Waves of Transformation – Strong Roots that Propel Life Purpose

Module 5: The Vital Center – The Power of Spiritual Growth

Module 6: Soul Recognition – Meeting Your Soul


Phase 2 of your journey is focused on learning Classical Feng Shui Methods. Now that you know how to work with the Codes of Creation, feng shui applications are that much more powerful.


You have lifetime access to 11 Feng Shui training modules that you can download at the end of your 26-week phase 1 training.


Remember, there is no turning back once you start the energy moving in the direction of your intended life.

Here's to your overwhelming success,

Mary Jane


Not sure yet? Scroll down and learn about MJ's FREE Masterclass!

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Learn More about the Codes of Creation Mastermind System through MJ's FREE Masterclass!

Imagine having the key that unlocks your desired life. What would it look like?  Mary Jane provides the insight and tools to begin your journey from where you are now and where you could be in the future. There's no turning back once you start the energy moving in the direction of your intended life!

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